In celebration of the iconic anime Bleach's 20th anniversary, ASICS is teaming up with the beloved series to release two exclusive colorways inspired by two of the show’s most notable characters: Ichigo Kurosaki and Renji Abarai. Fans of both the show and ASICS will be excited to get their hands on these unique, character-driven designs.
The ASICS GT-2160, inspired by the series' protagonist, Ichigo Kurosaki, channels his iconic Soul Reaper aesthetic with a bold black, white, orange, and red color palette. Grey stripes complement the white mesh base, while black suede overlays enhance the design. Dynamic streaks of orange and red bring energy and contrast to the shoe, with a bright orange detail running from the vamp to the off-white outsole, completing the striking look.
On the other hand, the ASICS GEL-NYC honors Renji Abarai, Ichigo's loyal ally and the 6th Division lieutenant of the Gotei 13. This design mirrors Renji’s bold and fierce personality with a fiery red and black color scheme. The soft red suede upper is paired with golden overlays and black suede accents at the lace collar and tongue. The heel features two symbols representing Renji’s 6th Division, offering a subtle but meaningful touch to the design.
Both colorways will be available on December 27th on