He got game!
Russell Westbrook‘s new Jordan Why Not Zer0.2 has been the focus of a handful of 90s-flavored promo samples of late, with this GameBoy edition next to surface for the Brodie.
Following on from his Super Soaker-inspired pair, this retro-themed pair will have 80s babies feeling a little nostalgic. The shoes rep a mix of grey hues and feature green and burgundy accents, all drawn directly from the original 1989 GameBoy’s screen and A-B buttons. The specialty hangtag comes shaped like an OG grey Game Boy cartridge, and it came encased in a cardboard reconstruction of the hand-held unit. The unique packaging swaps out the original Nintendo Game Boy branding to Russ-specific hits, with Westbrook’s unique Jordan logo on the screen, russellWESTBROOK in places of nintendoGAMEBOY, and also features his name/”Own The Chaos” mantra to complete the design.
But, as nice as these are, they will likely remain a 1 of 1 PE, exclusive for Russ, just like the aforementioned Super Soakers. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a detailed look at the capsule below!

Images: reconbeatlab