As the celebrated anime series Demon Slayer approaches its grand finale, adidas is set to release a trio of sneakers that encapsulate the spirit of the show's beloved characters. This year's lineup includes two previously announced colorways dedicated to the Flame Hashira, Rengoku, and the Sound Hashira, Tengen, and a "Tanjiro" edition completing the set.
The Rengoku-inspired Rivalry Low captures the essence of the Flame Hashira with its ember-like gradients adorning the Three Stripes and toe-box, complemented by brown tones that mimic his iconic robes. The rear of the shoe proudly features Rengoku's aspect, making it a vibrant homage to his fiery spirit.
Tengen's influence is evident in his Rivalry Low design, which incorporates navy accents that reflect his tenure in the Corp and gold branding on the quarter that echoes his flashy arm bangles. A subtle yet significant detail includes his sword hilt depicted on the tongue tag, adding a layer of character-specific storytelling.
The Tanjiro edition completes the trio, taking direct inspiration from the series' protagonist. This pair translates Tanjiro's iconic appearance into sneaker form through a heavy use of green, black, and brown.
The Demon Slayer x Adidas Rivalry Low Collection will be released at Foot Locker on November 1st and will be priced at $110 per pair.