Or at least a retro of the Bred 11. . .
We’ve seen a plethora of packs that celebrate MJ’s achievements over the years, from DMP’s draped in Black and Red to Championship packs that range from Cigars to Confetti.
Thanks to gc911, we get a look at what a potential 72-10/’96 Championship Pack that probably should release one day. And boy, don’t they look good together. The greatest team effort in any season should be celebrated, right? Plus it not only showcases the bull’s dominance on the court that season, but also Nike and Jordan Brand’s dominance in the sneaker market during that time, too.
And after the recent releases of the Nike Air Shake Ndestrukt, The Worm’s iconic sneaker, and Scottie P’s Nike Air More Uptempo, Why not complete the pack?
Should we think about releasing this pack? or are you just chasing that Bred 11?
Source: gc911